Kaz Home Improvements Blog

Cozy Up and Thrive: Winter Wellness at Home

Winter’s embrace in Western New York brings shorter days and colder temperatures, often inviting us to slow down and retreat indoors. With the season offering a chance to rest and recharge, we also have an opportunity to prioritize our well-being during these months. Transform your home into a haven of comfort and tranquility. Maximize natural light by keeping curtains open

Q&A with Lisa Braun: Top Design Trends!

The calendar has officially flipped to 2025, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take a quick look back on 2024 – and take a sneak peak at some things ahead for this year. So we recently sat down with Lisa Braun, our design selection coordinator, to chat about all things design & style from the past year. Lisa, thanks for

Shine Bright This Holiday Season: Your Guide to Hanging Holiday Lights

The holidays are upon us, and that means it’s time to transform our homes into twinkling wonderlands! But before you climb that ladder or start draping your mantle, take a moment to review our handy tips for hanging those festive lights safely and efficiently. Outdoor Lighting: Safety First: Safety should always be your top priority when working with electricity and

We’re Thankful For…

Dear Friends, As the holiday season approaches, it’s a time for reflection and gratitude. Here at Kaz Home Improvements, we have so much to be thankful for. First and foremost, we are incredibly grateful for you, our loyal customers and supporters. Your trust in our expertise and commitment to our business means the world to us. We’re thankful for the