Window & Door Woes? Easy Maintenance Tips for Peak Performance

Windows and doors are the hardworking guardians of your home, but even the best ones need a little preventative care. The good news? With a few simple steps, you can prevent future problems and ensure your windows and doors operate smoothly and efficiently for years to come.

Here are some easy-to-follow maintenance tips for different types of window and door materials:

In General:

  • Inspect Regularly: Look for signs of wear and tear at least twice a year. This includes checking for cracks, warping, loose screws, and damaged caulking.
  • Clean and Minimize Friction: Clean your windows and doors with mild soap and water. For a smooth operation, cover any moving parts with a silicone-based lubricant (and avoid harsh chemicals).

Related: Brightening Your Kitchen: Choosing the Best Windows

Tips by Window Material:

  • Vinyl: Wash with mild soap and water every six months. Regularly check and clear drainage holes to prevent moisture build-up. Apply a silicone lubricant to hinges and locking mechanisms.
  • Aluminum: Clean frames with warm water and mild detergent (if needed) every six months. Use a soft brush to remove dirt and debris from tracks. Ensure proper drainage by keeping weep holes clear.
  • Wood: Dust and wipe down wood frames with a damp cloth regularly. Every few years, reapply a coat of paint or stain to protect the wood from UV rays and moisture.

By investing in routine cleaning and inspections, you can extend the lifespan and performance of your windows and doors, keeping your home comfortable and energy-efficient for years to come. 

For specific cleaning instructions or in case of major repairs, give us a call!